Key topics


Resilience is the capacity of a community potentially exposed to hazards to adapt to stress and change, by resisting or changing, in order to reach and maintain an acceptable level of functioning and structure.

Date Item Typesort descending Key Topics
A handbook of wildfire engineering: guidance for wildfire suppression and resilient urban design Biblio PDF icon save (3.78 MB) engineering, fire, resilience
An owner-driven reconstruction in Bihar Biblio communities, recovery, resilience
Unpacking the meaning of resilience: the Tarnagulla community definition comparing to the literature Biblio climate change, communities, resilience
Disaster management: building resilient systems to aid recovery - non peer reviewed extended abstract Biblio PDF icon save (526.07 KB) emergency management, resilience
Out of uniform - building resilience through non-traditional volunteering: annual report 2016-17 Biblio PDF icon save (1.42 MB) non-traditional recruitment, resilience, volunteering
Preparedness for natural hazards: testing an expanded education- and engagement-enhanced social cognitive model Biblio communities, preparedness, resilience
Translating resilience theories into disaster management policies Biblio PDF icon save (1.44 MB) flood, policy, resilience
Community engagement in the post-disaster landscape Biblio PDF icon save (3.75 MB) communities, recovery, resilience
Web 2.0 in disaster and emergency: a risk assessment of tortious liability Biblio PDF icon save (143.39 KB) communication, emergency management, resilience
Indigenous-informed disaster recovery: Addressing collective trauma using a healing framework Biblio indigenous communities, local knowledge, resilience
Owner-driven housing reconstruction as a means of enhancing disaster resilience of at-risk communities in India Biblio PDF icon save (8.72 MB) recovery, resilience
Young people and the emergency services: working towards inclusive partnerships Biblio PDF icon save (461.21 KB) communities, diversity and inclusion, resilience
The Australian Natural Disaster Resilience Index: Volume II – Chapter 4: Statistical outputs: ANDRI, coping capacity and adaptive capacity Biblio PDF icon save (8.32 MB) multi-hazard, resilience, vulnerability
Community values survey Biblio PDF icon save (1.79 MB) diversity and inclusion, organisational, resilience
The changing landscape of disaster volunteering: opportunities, responses and gaps in Australia Biblio non-traditional recruitment, resilience, volunteering
Denaturalising heatwaves: gendered social vulnerability in urban heatwaves, a review Biblio PDF icon save (1.05 MB) resilience, risk management, vulnerability
Nandong smong and tsunami lullabies: Song and music as an effective communication tool in disaster risk reduction Biblio communities, local knowledge, resilience
New human capabilities in emergency and crisis management: From non-technical skills to creativity Biblio PDF icon save (304.43 KB) decision making, organisational, resilience
Seismic Retrofitting of Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Joints Using Diagonal Haunch Biblio earthquake, engineering, resilience
Enhancing the resilience of critical road infrastructure: annual project report 2016-17 Biblio PDF icon save (1.07 MB) engineering, infrastructure, resilience
Out of uniform: building community resilience through non-traditional volunteering: Annual project report 2015-2016 Biblio PDF icon save (1014.69 KB) non-traditional recruitment, resilience, volunteering
Failure mechanisms of bridge structures under natural hazards Biblio PDF icon save (3.04 MB) engineering, multi-hazard, resilience
Unrealised economic opportunities in remote Indigenous communities: Case studies from northern Australia Biblio PDF icon save (1.3 MB) indigenous communities, land management, resilience
Building Resilient Communities: Effective Multi-Channel Communication in Disasters Annual Report 2014 Biblio PDF icon save (597.77 KB) communication, communities, resilience
Spatial planning to promote settlements’ resilience to bushfires Biblio planning, policy, resilience
The Australian Natural Disaster Resilience Index: assessing Australia's disaster resilience at a national scale Biblio PDF icon save (501.48 KB) multi-hazard, resilience, vulnerability
Health Assessment of a Pedestrian Bridge Deck using Ground Penetrating Radar Biblio engineering, infrastructure, resilience
Scoping remote north Australian community resilience and developing governance models through action research: annual project report 2016-17 Biblio PDF icon save (939.55 KB) indigenous communities, Northern Australia, resilience
Disasters and economic resilience: the effects of the Black Saturday bushfires on individual income Biblio PDF icon save (2.71 MB) economics, fire impacts, resilience
Engaging communities to prepare for natural hazards: a conceptual model Biblio PDF icon save (854.7 KB) communities, preparedness, resilience
Diversity And Inclusion: Building Strength And Capability Literature Review Biblio PDF icon save (5.83 MB) diversity and inclusion, organisational, resilience
The Australian Natural Disaster Resilience Index: Volume II – Chapter 2: Indicators Biblio PDF icon save (2.32 MB) multi-hazard, resilience, vulnerability
Review of beach profile and shoreline models applicable to the statistical modelling of beach erosion and the impacts of storm clustering Biblio PDF icon save (923.34 KB) coastal, resilience, storm surge
Seismic assessment of reinforced concrete walls in Australia Biblio earthquake, emergency management, resilience
Emergency management opportunities for remote indigenous communities in northern Australia Biblio PDF icon save (990.41 KB) indigenous communities, Northern Australia, resilience
A novel framework for owner driven reconstruction projects to enhance disaster resilience in the long term Biblio capability, communities, resilience
Extreme floods and river values: A social–ecological perspective Biblio flood, resilience, risk management
Children in disasters: the role of household preparedness Biblio child-centred, multi-hazard, resilience
The Australian Natural Disaster Resilience Index: a system for assessing the resilience of Australian communities to natural hazards - final project report Biblio PDF icon save (5.92 MB) multi-hazard, resilience, vulnerability
Children, bushfire and climate change Biblio child-centred, fire, resilience

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